The tunnel

Legendary transalpine route

Opened in 1964 after only 6 years of work, the Grand-Saint-Bernard tunnel is the link between Bourg-Saint-Pierre in Valais (Switzerland) and Saint-Rhémy-en-Bosses (Italy). Every year, nearly 600,000 vehicles of tourism cross the Alps thanks to this road in the mountain.

6 km of road at 2000 m

When inaugurated on 19th March 1964, it was the first road traffic tunnel to be opened through the Alps. Construction work began on the Italian side in spring 1958, and soon later on the Swiss side. The tunnel was completed 6 years later.

  • TGSB SA (Tunnel du Grand-St-Bernard SA)
  • SITRASB S.p.A. (Società Italiana Traforo del Gran San Bernardo) for Italy

Open 24/7/365

Since ancient times, the Great St Bernard Pass has played a fundamental role in linking the north and the south of Europe. It has been crossed by Roman legions, barbarian tribes, Saracens, Emperors of the Holy Roman Empire, Popes, crusaders and Napoleon Bonaparte’s forces.Nowadays, modern connections to Europe are guaranteed by the Great St Bernard Tunnel.

Tunnel Rates

One wayReturn 
(with 30 days)
10 crossings 
(validity 2 years)
20 crossings 
(validity 2 years)
2 wheels18,50 CHF / 18,50€24,50 CHF / 24,50€125,00 CHF / 125,00€165,00 CHF / 165,00€
Car31,00 CHF / 31,00€50,00 CHF / 50,00€125,00 CHF / 125,00€165,00 CHF / 165,00€
Camping car
48,50 CHF / 48,50€77,50 CHF / 77,50€290,00 CHF / 290,00€385,00 CHF / 385,00€

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