Discover this new path created in 2020 in honour of Blessed Maurice Tornay, child of La Rosière!
Seven didactic panels are set up along the path. On these you will find information on the life of the Blessed, extracts from his letters, reflections on our experiences during the different stages of our lives and universal prayers.
Best period to go there
Author\s note
Once up there, welcome to the chapel of Sainte-Anne (Mother of Mary), and there in the tranquillity of the place, bring your gaze to the stained glass windows made by the Orserain René Darbellay, showing the Blessed seduced, called, sent and offered to God.
From the church of Orsières, walk up the “rue de la commune”, the “rue de la Montoz” and the “chemin de la Creuse”. Leave the village by passing under the international road and then turn right to go up “La Creuse” to the farm. Turn left on the flat road to reach the hamlet of Maligue.
Join the main road then the hamlet of Chez-les-Addy and on the right the hamlet of Chez-les-Giroud.
At the exit of the hamlet, take the road on the left which goes back north and then the second road on the left which continues flat until you reach La Rosière.
Getting there
Leave the highway at Martigny.
Follow the direction Grand-Saint-Bernard and leave the main road at Orsières
Free parking in front of the church or on the Edelweiss square
Take the train to Orsières then the bus to Bourg-St-Pierre.
Consult the timetable on