N. 38 Didactic hike Charlotte la Marmotte


Didactic hike between Champex-Lac and Orsières. 2:30 hours downhill.

This trail, linking Champex-Lac to Orsières, has been specially designed for children aged 8 to 12. To take part, simply go to the Tourist Office to get Charlotte’s leaflet (trail map and questions). At the end of the trail, at the place called La Valpilière, overlooking Orsières, you will find all the answers to the questions, with a little culinary surprise.


Detailed map

Best period to go there



Linear route'Healthy climate'Family-friendlyFlora

Author\s note

When you pick up the leaflet at the tourist office, ask for the “Charlotte Passport”: when you have completed 4 “Charlotte the Woodchuck” trails, a gift will be given to you!


Before departure

Below you will find a map, a profile and technical information. You can park your car on the square in front of the Hotel du Glacier in the centre of the resort. To take part in this trail, you just have to go to the Champex-Lac tourist office 50 meters from this parking lot in the center to take the leaflet with Charlotte’s story, the trail map and the questions. There is an answering post at the end of the trail, at a place called La Valpilière.

On the trail

The path is marked with signposts. The questions asked are based on the knowledge, observation and deductive skills of the participants. Some of the questions are in the form of 3D structures that emphasize the playfulness of the activity.

The path starts opposite the tourist office, goes around the lake and then passes through the bends in the road towards Orsières. It leaves the road on the right at the crossroads with the Champex-Lac torrent and then enters the forest in the direction of Val Ferret and the village of Issert. Before arriving there, the path leaves again in the direction of Orsières then passes over the village of Somlaproz to reach the place known as La Valpilière.

After the arrival

From this point, you can easily reach Orsières station and take a bus to Champex-Lac. You will find all the timetables by clicking on this link: www.cff.ch.

You can find all the information about Charlotte here

Getting there

Leave the motorway at Martigny. Follow the direction Grand-Saint-Bernard then leave the main road at Orsières and follow Champex-Lac.

It is also possible to leave the main road at Bovernier and go through Les Valettes but the road is narrow and very winding.

Free parking by the lake

Take the train to Orsières and then the bus to Champex-lac.

Consult timetables on www.cff.ch

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